March 29, 2009

Jordan’s Journal March 29th, 2009

Sunday morning.  A blog was born on the internet.  Nobody knows why.  Nobody cares.

Hi I’m Jordan Conway.  I live in Montreal.  This is my attempt at setting myself apart from the other Jordan Conways in the world.

Not Me:

From what I can tell there’s a skateboarder/photographer in California named Jordan Conway; he is not me (but he does take very nice pictures).

There’s also some kid in Nova Scotia named Jordan Conway who seems to be nicknamed Plem, even though there’s a Facebook group about him that uses a picture of me they found on Google; he is not me.

Some chick in the UK. She is definately not me, although she has pretty good google ranking. (What the heck is bebo?)


This is me on Facebook.  I’ve kind of grown away from facebook, much like many of the facebook “friends” that I have, I don’t see facebook much anymore.

This is me on Twitter. I barely understand twitter, but I have an account.  I’ve seen cool things where you can have your plants tweet when they need water, or tweet your electricity usage, maybe one day I’ll do something cool like that.

I’ve got a flickr account but no photos are up yet.  I’m pretty good at taking pictures.  I used to have my own darkroom.  I just haven’t gotten around to putting anything on flickr, seems like a waste if it’s not a pro account, but you never know…  I should probably check that out.

That’s it for now.



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